Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Notaeble Events May 31

In 1790, U.S. President George Washington signed into law the first U.S. copyright law.

In 1902, Britain and South Africa signed a peace treaty ending the Boer War.

In 1990, U.S. President George H.W. Bush and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev opened a four-day summit in Washington, focusing on the role of a united Germany in Europe.

In 2003, Eric Robert Rudolph, the long-sought fugitive in the 1996 Atlanta Olympic bombing and attacks on abortion clinics and a gay nightclub, in which two died, was arrested while rummaging through a dumpster in western North Carolina.
  • fugitive
    • a. 逃亡的
    • n. 逃亡者
  • rummage v.仔細搜查
  • dumpster n. 大型垃圾裝卸卡車(已變成商標名)
Also in 2003, U.S. President George W. Bush began a European and Mideastern trip aimed at strengthening relations and promoting a "road map" peace plan for Israel and the Palestinians.

In 2005, Mark Felt admitted that, while No. 2 man in the FBI, he was "Deep Throat," the shadowy contact whose help to Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein on the 1972 Watergate break-in led to U.S. President Richard Nixon's resignation.
Mark Felt承認其任職於FBI期間暗中協助促成華盛頓郵報記者揭露水門案,以至於使尼克森總統辭職下台

ENG Jokes- How to Keep a Healthy Level of Insanity in the Workplace

- Put on your headphones on whenever the boss comes into the office. Talk in a loud voice. Remove your headphones when he or she leaves.

- Grow mold in your coffee cup.
  • mold 黴菌
- When in conversation, no matter where you are in the office, mutter, "I think my phone is ringing" and leave. Go get coffee.
  • mutter
    • v. 低聲咕噥 (That lady muttered to herself.)
    • n. 抱怨 (We heard a mutter with discontent.)
- Develop an unnatural fear of staplers.

- Compose all your e-mail in rhyming couplets.
  • rhyming
    • a. 押韻的
    • n. 押韻
  • couplet n. 對句
- Install a set of buttons and lights in the arm of your chair.

- Talk into your daytimer.

- Put a picture of your mother on your business card.

- Organize a carpool. Go to pick everyone up in a taxi.

- E-mail nude gifs (graphic image files) of yourself to your coworkers. Tell them you got them off the Internet.

ENG words

cavalier \kav-uh-LEER\ adjective
(n. 騎士、騎兵)
1 : debonair
*2 : marked by or given to offhand and often disdainful dismissal of important matters
  • debonair 無憂無慮的
  • offhand 即席的,不假思索的
    • 即席演說 impromptu speech
  • distainful 污辱的,貶低價值的
    • distain v. 汙辱
  • dismissal n.
    • 解散、打發走
    • 開除、解雇
    • [法律】撤回訴訟
  • dismiss v.
    • 解散、打發走
    • 開除、解雇(+from)
    • 【法律】駁回、不受理
Example sentence:
"I'm tired of the cavalier way you brush off my concerns," Mom said, "so I'm taking away the car keys until you start listening to me."
  • brush off 置之不理
nidus \NYE-dus\ noun
1 : a nest or breeding place; especially : a place or substance in an animal or plant where bacteria or other organisms lodge and multiply
*2 : a place where something originates, develops, or is located
  • lodge 寄宿
Example sentence:
The college, with its focus on human ecology, is widely known as a nidus of environmental activism.

  • nidification n. 營巢(the process of building a nest)
  • nidicolous a. 【鳥】孵化後留在巢中一個時期的(reared in a nest)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

ENG Jokes- Playing Blind

Stevie Wonder and Jack Nicklaus are in a bar. Nicklaus turns to Wonder and says, "How's the singing career going?"

Stevie Wonder says, "Not too bad, the latest album's gone into the top 10, so all in all I think it's pretty good. By the way, how's the golf?"

Nicklaus replies, "Not too bad. I m not winning as much as I used to but I'm still making a bit of money. I had some problems with my swing, but I think I've got that worked out now."

"I always find that when my swing goes wrong I need to stop playing for a while and think about it, then the next time I play it seems to be all right," says Stevie.

"You play golf!?" asks Jack.

Stevie says, "Yes, I've been playing for years."

"But I thought you're blind! How can you play golf if you are blind?" Jack asks.

"I get my caddie to stand in the middle of the fairway and call to me. I listen for the sound of his voice and play the ball towards him, then when I get to where the ball lands the caddie moves to the green or further down the fairway and again I play the ball towards his voice," explains Stevie.
  • caddie 杆弟
  • fairway 高爾夫球道
"But how do you putt?" Nicklaus wondered.
  • putt 【高爾夫】推球入洞
"Well," says Stevie, "I get my caddie to lean down in front of the hole and call to me with his head on the ground and I just play the ball to the sound of his voice."

Nicklaus says, "What is your handicap?"

"I play off scratch," Stevie assures Jack.

Nicklaus is incredulous and says to Stevie, "We must play a game sometime."
  • incredulous 懷疑的(+of / +about)
Wonder replies, "Well, people don't take me seriously, so I only play for money, and I never play for less than $100,000 a hole."

Nicklaus thinks it over and says, "OK, I'm up for that. When would you like to play?"

"I don't care - any night next week is OK with me."

ENG words

mettlesome \MET-ul-sum\ adjective
: full of vigor and stamina : spirited
  • vigor 精力、活力
  • stamina 精力、活力
Example sentence:
The mettlesome bronco kicked and bucked, but the rider kept his balance and rode him out.
  • bronco 美國野馬
  • buck v. (馬)猛然彎背躍起(The horse bucked the rider off)
  • ride out 安然度過(We were confident that we would be able to ride out the storm)
chouse \CHOWSS ("OW" as in "cow")\ verb
: cheat, trick

Example sentence:
In Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities, Mr. Cruncher says, "If I ain't, what with piety and one blowed thing and another, been choused this last week into as bad luck as ever a poor devil of a honest tradesman met with!"
  • piety n. 虔誠(They were drawn to the church not by piety but by curiosity)
slugabed \SLUG-uh-bed\ noun
: a person who stays in bed after the usual or proper time to get up; broadly : sluggard
  • sluggard 懶惰蟲、懶人
Example sentence:
Rather than be a slugabed for her entire vacation, Jeanne made it a goal to rise at 6:00 AM and go for a jog every morning.

  • slug 蛞蝓、動作遲緩的人/生物
  • abed 在床上= in bed

Monday, May 29, 2006

Job Description- Thanks to Philip!

Job Description ( Chen Hsiao-Wen, Wendy ):

• Conceptualize and Design the Association website.
  • conceptualize 概念化
• Liaise with the Ministry of Education to develop specific projects: "Lifelong Learning Train."
  • liaise 取得連絡
• Promotional support of Foundation activities/events.

• Preparing and dissemination of press releases of Foundation activities and events.
  • dissemination 宣傳
• Conceptualize methods and tools to encourage understanding of certain core knowledge focus among early age group learners: "Tax Education".

• Provide Partnership support with other Non-Government Organizations to develop certain key people skill: "HOBY Leadership Camp."

• Coordinate and support an annual Scholarship programme with a strategic partner: "Prudential Volunteer Award."

• Provide ad-hoc communication-based support in National level events and activities.

**My position should be: a Communications Executive

ENG words

esoteric \es-uh-TAIR-ik\ adjective
*1 : designed for or understood by a small number of people; broadly: difficult to understand
2 : private, confidential

Example sentence:
Computer programming was once an esoteric subject, but beginner courses and how-to books have made it easier to grasp.

  • exoteric 能理解的
adduce \uh-DOOSS\ verb
: to offer as example, reason, or proof in discussion or analysis

Example sentence:
"Leon has made some pretty strong accusations here tonight," said Tim, "but he has adduced no convincing evidence in support of them."
  • accusation n. 指控
  • accuse v. 指控
mordant \MOR-dunt\ adjective
*1 : biting and caustic in thought, manner, or style : incisive
2 : burning, pungent
  • biting 尖銳刺人的、嘲諷的
  • incisive 尖刻鋒利的
  • pungent (氣味)有刺激性的、尖刻的
Example sentence:
As the guest of honor at the charity roast, Jacob good-naturedly received the mordant remarks directed at him by his friends, family, and colleagues.
  • roast [美式]野外烤肉聚會

ENG Jokes- How to Get Rid of Telemarketers

- Tell the telemarketer you are on "home incarceration" and ask if they could bring you some beer.
  • incarceration 監禁
- Ask them to fax the information to you, and make up a number.

- Tell the telemarketer, "Okay, I will listen to you. But I should probably tell you, I'm not wearing any clothes."

- Insist that the caller is really your buddy Leon, playing a joke. "Come on Leon, cut it out! Seriously, Leon, how's your momma?"

- Tell them you are hard of hearing and that they need to speak up...louder... louder... LOUDER...

- Ask them to repeat everything they say, several times.

- If they want to loan you money, tell them you just filed for bankruptcy and you could sure use some money.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

ENG Jokes- Rules of Chocolate

- Chocolate has many preservatives. Preservatives make you look younger. Therefore, you need to eat more chocolate.
  • preservative 防腐劑
- Put "eat chocolate" at the top of your list of things to do today. That way, at least you'll get one thing done.

- A nice box of chocolates can provide your total daily intake of calories in one place. Now, isn't that handy?
  • intake 吸收
- If you can't eat all your chocolate, it will keep in the freezer. But if you can't eat all your chocolate, what's wrong with you?

- If not for chocolate, there would be no need for control top pantyhose. An entire garment industry would be devastated. You can't let that happen, can you?
  • pantyhose = pantihose 褲襪
  • garment industry 成衣工業

ENG words

paparazzo \pah-puh-RAHT-soh\ noun (複數paparazzi)
: a freelance photographer who aggressively pursues celebrities for the purpose of taking candid photographs
  • freelance 自由作家(或演員等)
  • candid
    • 【相片】偷拍的
    • 公正的
    • 坦率直言的
Example sentence:
As a child star she had been constantly pursued by paparazzi, but only a single photographer showed up at her 21st-birthday bash.
cerebrate \SAIR-uh-brayt\ verb
: to use the mind : think

Example sentence:
Jane is apt to cerebrate at length before making even minor decisions.
  • apt to 傾向於
  • at length
    • 最後,終於
    • 詳細的
  • cerebrum 【解剖學】大腦
  • cerebration 大腦活動、精神活動
  • cerebral
    • 大腦的
    • 理智的、有智力的
travesty \TRAV-uh-stee\ noun
1 : a burlesque translation or literary or artistic imitation usually grotesquely incongruous in style, treatment, or subject matter
*2 : a debased, distorted, or grossly inferior imitation
  • burlesque
    • a. 拙劣的模仿的
    • n. 滑稽作品
  • grotesquely 古怪的,怪異的
  • incongruous 不相稱的、不合宜的 (+with)
  • debased 降低品質的
  • grossly 非常地
Example sentence:
The new movie is a travesty of a documentary, likely to appeal only to the lowest sense of humor.
apple-polish \AP-ul-pah-lish\ verb
*1: to attempt to ingratiate oneself : toady
2: to curry favor with (as by flattery)
  • ingratiate 迎合
  • toady
    • v. 奉承、拍馬屁
    • n. 奉承者
  • curry favor with 拍馬屁
Example sentence:
Edna really wanted the internship working with the professor over the summer, so she took his course and apple-polished a bit.

  • apple-polisher 馬屁精
  • bootlicker 馬屁精