Monday, September 18, 2006

Google and Apple "in talks" about iTV

Google and Apple "in talks" about iTV by ZDNet's Garett Rogers -- Last week I wrote about the likelihood of Google and Apple working together on iTV (the codename for an Apple product set to be released in Q1 '07). As it turns out, my speculation might not be too far off -- according to Newsweek, Marissa Mayer says the two companies are "in talks"."Is it possible [...]

Focus on Problems VS Focus on Solutions

1) When NASA began the launch of astronauts into space, they found out that the pens wouldn't work at zero gravity (Ink won't flow down to the writing surface). In order to solve this problem, it took them one decade and $12 million. They developed a pen that worked at zero gravity, upside down, underwater, in practically any surface including crystal and in a temperature range from below freezing to over 300 degrees C.

And what did Russiansdo........................................??

The Russians used a Pencil!!!

2) One of the most memorable case studies on Japanese management was the case of the empty soap box, which happened in one of Japan's biggest cosmetics companies. The company received a complaint that a consumer had bought a soap box that was empty. Immediately the authorities isolated the problem to the assembly line, which transported all the packaged boxes
of soap to the delivery department. For some reason, one soap box went through the assembly line empty. Management asked its engineers to solve the problem.

Post-haste, the engineers worked hard to devise an X-ray machine with high-resolution monitors manned by two people to watch all the soap boxes that passed through the line to make sure they were not empty. No doubt, they worked hard and they worked fast but they spent whoopee amount to do so.

But when a rank-and-file employee in a small company was posed with the same problem, did not get into complications of X-rays, etc but instead came out with another solution.

He bought a strong industrial electric fan and pointed it at the assembly line. He switched the fan on, and as each soap box passed the fan, it simply blew the empty boxes out of the line.

Moral of the story:

Keep It Simple.
Always look for simple solutions. Devise the simplest possible solution that
solves the problem. Learn to focus on solutions not on problems.

"If you look at what you do not have in life, you don't have anything"
"If you look at what you have in life, you have everything"

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Grab Your Audience Fast

SEPTEMBER 12, 2006

By Carmine Gallo

Grab Your Audience Fast
You literally have just a few seconds to make an impression on your business audience when you deliver a presentation. Here's how

It's presentation season, when thousands of company executives around the world will be pitching products, services, or companies to a wide range of audiences—at investor and analyst conferences, trade shows, sales meetings, and conventions. The majority of these presentations will be boring, convoluted, and uninspiring. Most presentations flop out of the gate because they fail to answer the key question on the minds of listeners: Why should I care?

In an interview in the March, 2003, issue of O: The Oprah Magazine, talk-show legend Oprah Winfrey offered this advice on public speaking: "A powerful beginning and ending will stick with your listeners. What's the most important message you want to leave your audience with—and why should they care? Every listener instinctively wants to know one thing: What's in it for me? The greatest public speakers are those who work at making their addresses both interesting and relatable." Oprah gets it. Make yourself interesting from the start. You can't afford to have your audience lose interest in those first few moments.

You literally have just a few seconds to make a lasting impression—from as little as two seconds to 90 seconds, depending on which study you cite. Regardless of the exact time, it's fast. Let's leave it at that. Given that fact, it's important that you make a strong, emotional connection with your listeners with your first few words. And those first few words should grab your listeners by getting them involved with the content of your presentation.

MONSTER MOMENT. I once had the opportunity to interview founder Jeff Taylor. At the time, Taylor was giving anywhere from 30 to 70 speeches a year on topics ranging from entrepreneurship to employment. As a speaker, I found Taylor to be exciting, captivating, and consistently inspiring. That's because Taylor understands the power of a strong opener. Sometimes, he gets an entire audience chanting a mantra in unison. Other times, he'll involve the audience by asking them to physically do something in order to set up the theme of his speech.

For example, in his talks about innovation, Taylor will ask the audience if they believe they are true innovators. Of course, many people will nod their heads. He then takes off a shoe and asks his audience to do the same. Then he points out the true innovators, or "early adopters," those who removed their shoes immediately; the "massive middle" representing most consumers; and finally the "laggards." Taylor will then ask the innovators and the laggards questions.

I am not suggesting you do something as bold as to ask people to take off their shoes at your next presentation. Taylor has a lot of experience speaking before crowds of several thousand people, and his audiences expect him to be a little outrageous, to push the envelope. They don't necessarily expect that type of opener in your next staff meeting. But they do expect you to grab their attention by giving them a reason to listen, a reason to care.

REASON TO CARE. Make a positive impression on your listeners by giving them a reason to care about your message. Let them know that the next 20 or 30 minutes will be valuable for them. Last year, I worked with the vice-president of sales for a well-known high-tech company. His goal in preparing for the company's annual sales meeting was to motivate his sales team about the state of the company and its new products. This particular executive had planned to begin the presentation by outlining a very long agenda. (It's worth mentioning here that Apple (AAPL) Chief Executive Steve Jobs, considered to be one of the most charismatic pitchmen in corporate America today, never starts with an agenda slide. He gets right to what the audience wants to hear.) (see, 4/6/06, "How to Wow 'Em Like Steve Jobs")

Anyway, back to our VP. The agenda was long. After several minutes, I began losing interest. This wasn't the way to motivate his team, I thought. So I asked him to tell me what he really wanted to say. He thought about it for a moment and said, "Well, this year is shaping up to be the best year in our company's history. We just signed the largest retail agreement in our history and not all of my salespeople know the implications of it, and for most of my sales guys, this will be the most lucrative year of their careers." And with that he not only grabbed my attention but gave his listeners a reason to listen. The agenda slide was out and his new opener was in.

The goal of most presentations is to lead the listener to some sort of action: buying a product, scheduling a follow-up call to learn more, visiting a Web site, investing in a company, or doing whatever it may be. The more memorable the message, the easier it is to act upon.

Make your message memorable by grabbing the attention of your listener right out of the gate. Give them a reason to care!
Gallo is a Pleasanton (Calif.)-based corporate presentation coach and former Emmy Award-winning TV journalist. He's the author of the book 10 Simple Secrets of the World's Greatest Business Communicators. Visit him online at

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


一、 馬太效應
二、 手錶定理
三、 不值得定律
四、 彼得原理
五、 零和遊戲原理
六、 華盛頓合作規律
七、 酒與污水定律
八、 水桶定律
九、 蘑菇管理
十、 奧卡姆剃刀定律
十一、 二八法則
十二、 錢的問題

國王回來時,第一個僕人說:「主人,你交給我們的一錠銀子,我已賺了1 0錠。」





對 企業經營發展而言,馬太效應則告訴我們,要想在某一個領域保持優勢,就必須在此領域迅速做大。當你成為某個領域的領頭羊的時候,即使投資回報率相同,你 也能更輕易的獲得比弱小的同行更大的收益。而若沒有實力迅速在某個領域做大,就要不停地尋找新的發展領域,才能保證獲得較好的回報。

















而 對一個企業或組織來說,則要很好地分析員工的性格特性,合理分配工作,如讓成就欲較強的職工單獨或牽頭來完成具有一定風險和難度的工作,並在其完成時給 予定時的肯定和讚揚;讓依附欲較強的職工更多地參加到某個團體中共同工作;讓權力慾較強的職工擔任一個與之能力相適應的主管。同時要加強員工對企業目標的 認同感,讓員工感覺到自己所做的工作是值得的,這樣才能激發職工的熱情。



對 一個組織而言,一旦組織中的相當部分人員被推到了其不稱職的級別,就會造成組織的人浮於事,效率低下,導致平庸者出人頭地,發展停滯。因此,這就要求改變 單純的「根據貢獻決定晉陞」的企業員工晉陞機制,不能因某個人在某一個崗位級別上幹得很出色,就推斷此人一定能夠勝任更高一級的職務。





當 你看到兩位對弈者時,你就可以說他們正在玩「零和遊戲」。因為在大多數情況下,總會有一個贏,一個輸,如果我們把獲勝計算為得1 分,而輸棋為-1分,那麼,這兩人得分之和就是:1+(-1)=0。這正是「零和遊戲」的基本內容:遊戲者有輸有贏,一方所贏正是另一方所輸,遊戲的總成 績永遠是零。






人與人的合作不是人力的簡單相加,而是要複雜和微妙得多。在人與人的合作中,假定每個人的能力都為1 ,那麼10個人的合作結果就有時比10大得多,有時甚至比1還要小。因為人不是靜止的動物,而更像方向各異的能量,相推動時自然事半功倍,相互牴觸時則一事無成。

我 們傳統的管理理論中,對合作研究得並不多,最直觀的反映就是,目前的大多數管理制度和行業都是致力於減少人力的無謂消耗,而非利用組織提高人的效能。換言 之,不妨說管理的主要目的不是讓每個人做到最好,而是避免內耗過多。21世紀將是一個合作的時代,值得慶幸的是,越來越多的人已經認識到真誠合作的重要 性,正在努力學習合作。




幾 乎在任何組織裡,都存在幾個難弄的人物,他們存在的目的似乎就是為了把事情搞糟。他們到處搬弄是非,傳播流言、破壞組織內部的和諧。最糟糕的是,他們像果 箱裡的爛蘋果,如果你不及時處理,它會迅速傳染,把果箱裡其它蘋果也弄爛,「爛蘋果」的可怕之處在於它那驚人的破壞力。一個正直能幹的人進入一個混亂的部 門可能會被吞沒,而一個人無德無才者能很快將一個高效的部門變成一盤散沙。

組織系統往往是脆弱的,是建立在相互理解、妥協和容忍的基礎上 的,它很容易被侵害、被毒化。破壞者能力非凡的另一個重要原因在於,破壞總比建設容易。一個能工巧匠花費時日精心製作的陶瓷器,一頭驢子一秒鐘就能毀壞 掉。如果擁有再多的能工巧匠,也不會有多少像樣的工作成果。如果你的組織裡有這樣的一頭驢子,你應該馬上把它清除掉;如果你無力這樣做,你就應該把它拴起 來。


「水 桶定律」與「酒與污水定律」不同,後者討論的是組織中的破壞力量,而「最短的木板」卻是組織中有用的幾個部分,只不過比其它部分差一些,你不能把它們當成 爛蘋果扔掉。強弱只是相對而言的,無法消除。問題在於你容忍這種弱點到什麼程度。如果它嚴重到成為阻礙工作的瓶頸,就不得不有所動作。



相 信很多人都有這樣一段「蘑菇」的經歷,但這不一定是什麼壞事,尤其是當一切都剛剛開始的時候,當上幾天「蘑菇」,能夠消除我們很多不切實際的幻想,讓我們 更加接近現實,看問題也更加實際,而對一個組織而言,一般地新進的人員都是一視同仁,從起薪到工作都不會有大的差別。無論你是多麼優秀的人才,在剛開始的 時候都只能從最簡單的事情做起,「蘑菇」的經歷對於成長中的年輕人來說,就像蠶繭,是羽化前必須經歷的一步。所以,如何高效率地走過生命中的這一段,從中 盡可能吸取經驗,成熟起來,並樹立良好的值得信賴的個人形象,是每個剛入社會的年輕人必須面對的課題。












金 錢對世界的秩序以及我們的生活產生的影響是巨大的、廣泛的,這種影響有時是潛在的,我們往往意識不到它的作用如此巨大,然而奇妙的是:它完全是人類自己創 造的。致富的驅動力並不是起源於生物學上的需要,動物生活中也找不到任何相同的現象。它不能順應基本的目標,不能滿足根本的需求- --的確,「致富」的定義就是獲得超過自己需要的東西。然而這個看起來漫無目標的驅動力卻是人類最強大的力量,人類為金錢而互相傷害,遠超過其他原因。

Monday, September 11, 2006

ENG Joke- Spring Fever

  • Spring Fever 春倦症
Four high school boys afflicted with spring fever skipped morning classes. After lunch they reported to the teacher that they had a flat tire.
  • afflicted v. 使苦惱,使受折磨
Much to their relief she smiled and said, "Well, you missed a test today so take seats apart from one another and take out a piece of paper."

Still smiling, she waited for them to sit down. Then she said: "First Question: Which tire was flat?"

ENG Joke- Stained Glass

A minister tells of his first Sunday in a new parish and of presenting the children's message. It seems the sanctuary in the new church had some magnificent stained glass windows, so his message centered on how each of us is called to help make up the whole picture of life (the life of the community of the faithful). Like the pictures in the windows, it takes many little panels of glass to make the whole picture.
  • parish n. 教區
  • sanctuary n. 聖殿
  • panel n. 鑲嵌板
And then he said, "You see each one of you is a little pane." And then pointing to each child, "You're a little pane. And you're a little pane. And you're a little pane. And..."
  • pane n. 玻璃片、鑲嵌片
It took a few moments before he realized why everyone was laughing so hard.

ENG words

poltroon \pahl-TROON\ noun
: a spiritless coward : craven

Example sentence:
In the end, their leader proved to be a traitorous poltroon whose main concern was saving his own skin.
  • traitorous adj. 叛逆的、背信棄義的
同義字: =chicken=craven
mimesis \muh-MEE-sis\ noun
: imitation, mimicry

Example sentence:
Late in her career, the painter became less interested in mimesis and began to experiment in styles of abstraction.
upbraid \up-BRAYD\ verb
1 : to criticize severely : find fault with
*2 : to reproach severely : scold vehemently
  • reproach v. 責備、訓斥
  • vehemently adv. 激烈地、熱烈地、熱切地
Example sentence:
After being late to class for the third time in a week, Marshall was upbraided by his teacher and given detention.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

ENG words

hinterland \HIN-ter-land\ noun
1 : a region lying inland from a coast
2 a : a region remote from urban areas *b : a region lying beyond major metropolitan or cultural centers

Example sentence:
Ty and Saja spent a few days in the capital before setting off for the hinterland.
  • set off 出發、動身
orotund \OR-uh-tund\ adjective
1 : marked by fullness, strength, and clarity of sound : sonorous
*2 : pompous, bombastic
  • sonorous adj. 能發出響亮聲音的
  • pompous adj. 浮誇的、自負的
  • bombastic adj. 誇張的
Example sentence:
Josh cleared his throat dramatically, then did a dead-on impression of the professor's orotund, patronizing speech.
  • dead-on
  • patronizing adj. 要人領情的