Wednesday, January 28, 2009

CMN Outlines Six Rules for Social Media

From: CMN Outlines Six Rules for Social Media

"Klaehn and Ryan offered the following six guidelines for engaging in social networking.

1. Be authentic.
2. Strengthen your current audience and engage new ones.
3. Connect. Give your audience a reason to engage with you.
4. Be remarkable. Give people things on which to remark.
5. Participate in other discussions, not just your own.
6. Embrace organic planning. Have a plan, but be ready to adjust."

If you remember another article I shared some time ago regarding forum marketing, you would notice that some principles are emphasized again. Be authentic, be who you are (who you stand for); Participate in other discussions, not just your own = spend some time lurking & make valuable contributions to the community. So, it is true. To run an online community, to utilize social media, the core issue that you should deal with is still the very essential one: the belief and curiosity in people, the unintentional willingness to interact with others. The DO NOTs are also quite simple: DO NOT just try to sell; DO NOT expect immediate feedback and achievements.

Enjoy the article!

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