Friday, November 02, 2007

Actual Cash Value(ACV)

Definition: Actual Cash Value describes what it will cost to replace an item at the time of loss after subtracting depreciation. Common method of determining the amount of reimbursement for a loss.
Also Known As: ACV
Examples: Carl's stereo was destroyed by a fire in his home. His insurance company determined Carl's reimbursement amount for the stereo was $60 by taking the current value of a comparable new stereo and subtracting any depreciation factors (wear and tare, age, etc.)

Replacement Cost - Depreciation = ACV

實際現金價值係指損失發生當時財產之實際價值。意外事故發生時,遭受損失之財產之重置成本減折舊或自然耗損後之金額,即為該財產之實際現金價值。 實際現金價值為一般財產保險理賠時,評估實際損失金額之標準。財產保險所提供之保障,以補償被保人因意外事故所遭受之實際損失為限;折舊或然耗損,均非意外事故所致之損失,因此計算實際損失時,應自財產之實際價值中予以扣除。

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